Pile Driving and Marine Construction Experts
Pile Driving and Marine Construction are the core of our business here at Blue Water Systems. With over 30 years of experience in marine and land-based pile driving operations, BWS can drive timber piles, sheet piles, and steel piles with available diameters of 14”, 16”, 18”, and 24” in water up to 120’ deep to build secure moorings for floating structures and strong foundations for wharfs. Additionally we offer the option to have the pilings finished with paint or lined with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sleeves to mitigate corrosion.
Our marine construction services and capabilities include:
Pile drilling into solid rock
Pile driving with a drop hammer technique
Pile driving with a vibratory hammer through layers of sediment and rocks
Anchoring systems with concrete anchors, steel anchors, “Pin Piles”, galvanized steel chain, Polysteel rope, or different combinations of each
Seafloor Dredging with a clamshell bucket and disposal barge
Demolition and removal of deprecated and unsafe marine structures
Third-party geotechnical surveying, environmental impact monitoring and mitigation
The specific methods and materials used are dependent on the project’s requirements, as well as the geotechnical and environmental conditions of the job site.
Please contact us to discuss your drilling needs.